- Who: All Hawks View families are invited.
- When: September 26th from 5:30-7:00
- What: Back to School Night! This year again, we will be doing a dinner & open house event and students are welcome to attend with their parents! Dinner will be served, courtesy of Journey Church, between 5:30-6:30 in our cafeteria. There will be no set session times during the night, instead families can attend during the open house time that works best for them. Families will get to:
- Visit classrooms and see some of the curriculum activities students have been working on
- Visit our PE/Music/STEM classes
- Meet other important staff members around the building
Please save the date and plan to join us for a fun family night!
Please Note: Parent/teacher conferences are coming up in October. The purpose of this evening is to get to know your child’s classroom, teachers and staff in the school. We ask that individual conferences wait until the October date so that teachers can spend time talking with numerous families this evening. Thank you so much!